CNE Rides 2024

CNE Rides 2024

Saturday 24 August 2024

August 2024 CNE!!!


I'm here at the CNE!!

Gotta start this year's escapades with 

The Original CNE Hot Ice Cream WAFFLE!!!




 Inside the Enercare Centre it's fun on the islands!!


Beautiful sculptures made of flowers!

Tropical fish larger than people!




 Elephant ride anyone?


Had to try it on at least once!! 

 Look at the size of this one, eh?! 


Right after I went to see the First Nations exhibit, Biinaagami,

Translates: Pure, Clean Water.


Immersive Experience centered around The Great Lakes. 


Great display where you get to participate with a tablet to view virtual reality before your eyes!


The exhibit this year told the First Nations' story of how they believe we were created and talked about our responsibility to take care of The Great Lakes.


For the CNE 2022 and the First Nations exhibit, click here!

This year there was a display of the history of the EX,

These horses from the carousel are still racing!

Look at the old bumper car in the background!

Awe the Flyer!!

Still brings goose bumps when ya see it!


Old games and more paraphernalia from the past,

Remember the old wooden Tilt-A-Whirl? 



Old photos from 1940!!


Amazing to see what has changed and what still remains! 

More horsing around!

For CNE 2023, click here!

Cooling off at the ICE CAPADES!



Fantastic show paying tribute to the movies!




Ah! Let's eat, let's go to the Food Building of course!

Looks like they got some of the water running,

so nice seeing the little water falls over the rocks.

Too bad the water wall isn't hooked up!

One of my fav views looking East between the BMO Field and The Food Building!

Fire Hall with the CN Tower in the distance never tires me!




Another of my favourites, The Fountain!

The sun is starting her descent, time to see the angel!


The Angel is surrounded by so many beautiful things aglow in the golden light!

Sun descending, dusk like a blanket covering the terrain as the lights come up!


On the way back through the farm we see this little nanny waiting her turn anxiously to get milked. She's jealous as her sister has all the attention right now being petted by the onlookers!

Meanwhile back at...

the Queen Elizabeth Building we find the history of television,

Nope, didn't see the one I watched as a child!

Tracing my steps I see the twilight changing the scenes around me!

Luv those candy coloured lights!





The lights transform everything!



 Screams delightfully filling the air!

 Others swinging through the night!

Halfway to the moon and back!



Almost time to say good bye, but first listen to the band playing at the Midway Stage!


One last look at the beautiful scene,

All lit up against the black sky!






 Playful pets still waiting to be taken home!

Good bye CNE till next time!


Hey!  I decided to come back!

Welcome to...

My pics from Day Two!!





Photos showing the horrors that the children living in the Ukraine face evryday during the war and their story.


Had to watch some fun with fire at the busker stage!

No one was injured, but I think the busker was half lit!

Just kidding!

He did a fine show with lots of jokes between burns!


Waterfront Toronto is collaborating with First Nations to design a new play park for the Port Lands.

They showed off a model of the proposed park which has many play areas for children and an area for cafes and washrooms.

For more info click here!

Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation put on an exhibit with literature to their history and a display of artifacts from their culture, including a canoe!

Their was a First Nation Member on hand to tell you all about their history and way of life.

On the way to see the angel at sunset I took this shot to show how busy the place was ... all day and night was like this! I thought the Thursday during the second week would be OK to go, and many other people thought so too!

The more the merrier- yipes!

 Always a welcoming spot away from the noise and bussle of the crowds,

A time to charge up a little before the journey through rugged terrain of jossling bodies to go back to the Enercare Centre for some shopping!

Had to go through the farm again and see the sculpture!

Stop and spy as people took pics of the Flyer sign!

Hafta see the lights of the midway again and get a laugh at people screaming on the rides, one of my fav things to do- hahaha!


One last goodbye to my fancy fish friends!




 Now it's finally goodbye till next year!

So tired, totally EX-hausted this time!!

Fond memories!



Hey! Not too tired to come back for the air show!!

And a perfect day it was!

They always start with the Stealth, so scary, especially when he flew real low while coming straight at me on the shore, what a roar right over head, what a rush!


Single props did their number, then the biplanes came with their tricks, then the WW2 planes buzzed through the skies with their sleek bodies sailing up and down like it was a breeze!

 I had to get out of the sun so I went for eats at the Harbour Front and the Snow Birds caught up with me!


Round and round they circled after each death defying maneuver, round the towers, round the CN Tower, made our heads spin to everyone's delight!

 The grand finalle, all the planes form a fan to wave good bye!

The last circle around to bid adieu, their bright wings flashing in the sun!

So is the end of the CNE, of Summer, but not the fun!

For pics of CNE 2023, click here!

For pics of CNE 2017, click here!

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