CNE Rides 2024

CNE Rides 2024

Monday 24 June 2024

June 2024

Remember - be love, be kind, be the magic that's in you!  

You do belong and your life is a message to others!

You are loved and everything in creation is for you to have a good life!






And everyone is wearing the PRIDE colours!

I won't be outdone with my new hat!

Be inspired!


It's Friday night and the king of the Village has turned into a

I must pay homage before my adoring fans come out to play!

Be excited, not scared!

 Golden dancers come to spread more joy!

Smiles everyone, it's time to party!

Be colourful!



As night falls the lights come up!

Every one is aglow and the party heats up!

Be bright! Be the light!



 Some visitors from out of this world!

It's the first night of the weekend festivities and the fun has just begun!

Be open to new things, new ideas!

Saturday brought new light on the Village!

Be Proud! Be courageous!

Be a leader!

Be dramatic!

Be generous!

Be inspiration to others!

Nikki and Bella performing for charity during a TICOT Brunch. 

The Imperial Court Of Toronto (TICOT) takes donations all year for local charities.


Be unique! Be original!

Be daring enough to stand out!

Be daring enough to tell your story!

For my story, click here!


 The king of the village watches the skies to see if the weather will remain fair.


 Meanwhile, a fair maiden and a fair prince made their way down the avenue affirming the weather and making sure the occasion would be the fairest of all!!

Be fair! Be honest!

Be kind!


Ah, the Lord of black and white made a cameo appearance!

Be cool!

Be prepared for life's changes!

Be grateful for the blessings you have!



Nightfall brought magic!

All those with secret abilities came out glowing and all were delighted!

Be enlightened!

Sunday brought more excitement!

Angels were dancing among the merrymakers as they came up the street from the parade!

Be messengers of the light!



 I was there with my sign to shine!

Be love! Be truth!

Be knowledgeable!

Be willing to help!

A house needs a family to make it a home. Here, people can find family among friends!

Be loving! Be helpful! 

Be family!

As night falls, the last day of PRIDE is coming to a close. But the life of love continues all year!

Be lively! Be active!

Be involved!

PRIDE pics 2023, click here!


The weekend before Pride Celebrations brought the Church and Wellesley Village Market. What a great prelude to PRIDE 2024!

 I had to check out and see what the buzz was on Church Street on Friday night!

The street was full of revelers looking for some action!

Remember, WE are the party! WE have to make it happen!

On Saturday TICOT started the festivities with another fundraiser!

Many stunning drag queens charmed the audience! 

Niki Chin hosted with her brilliance! 

Be vivacious!


Rachelle Valois took the stage with passion and drama!

Then Bella Reina Blake took over with her dynamic energy!

Be loud! Be clear!

Morgan James, sparkling in the sun, touched us with her songs!

  Be glamorous!

Be effervescent!






After the show people from The First Nations came to tell about the Red Dress. It was created to honour and remember the indigenous women who were murdered. 

Two women told their story of their part in making the dress and their experience with others who joined with them to make it.

 Stunning colour and rich fabrics, it outshone everything before the people on the street!

Such a strong image for all to see.

The man who designed it shared his story of why and how he designed it. 

He shared a dance later!

Two more women came, one sharing a song with drumming and another shared a dance.

Beautiful way to bring Spirit to Church Street!



I came with my hat honouring Church Street Establishments in the Village!

I Just want to spread love in the Village out of gratitude to everyone who has fought for our freedom and all those who continue the fight and those who volunteer to help those in need in our community!



Earlier in the month there was Queer Poetry at Buddies In Bad Times Theatre. 

I read my poem about my first Pride Parade!

I started my PRIDE Celebrations  at the Jesus Cafe held at Our Hours Cafe on Church Street!

We brought Spirit to Church Street too!





Another great PRIDE Month!

The glow will continue  for a long time!!








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