CNE Rides 2024

CNE Rides 2024

Sunday 6 October 2019

Nui Blanche 2019

 The best executed of the exhibits I felt was Brandon Prince's photo collages on urban sprawl. His display showed very well what we had before the city grew out over farm land and natural spots.

The first one below showed the farm land that has been taken over by railway lines.

Natural waterways necessary for drainage of the land 
covered by housing development.

So many trees replaced by chaotic city life with it's busy intersections. 
The car has taken over so much of our land with it's noise and pollution.

At MaRs on College there was a projected stream running through the building with two oversized plastic bottles on display. A company showed off lighting tiles that were made of recycled plastic. The whole installation to me did not hit home the seriousness of the situation nor the mess that plastic waste has caused.


The building itself is stunning and gave a great experience 
but the art installation did nothing to make me feel for the environment.

Oversized plastic containers!
Just seemed a fun thing from the 70's, not a statement of the seriousness of the situation.
At city hall the crowds were mesmerized by a huge light installation that resembled the brightness of the moon!

There's a long line up to get close!

People everywhere you can squeeze in!

More sculptures to bring you wondering!

 Art to make ya laugh!!
Giant telescope to show the galaxy!
Far out!

 The beauty of Roy Thompson Hall all aglow!

Flying men seen through the window!

Melting golden rhinos
and pink elk men surprise us!
We end our excursion gazing at a glowing orb down by the harbour.

Fantastic show! Loved it!! Now its after 2 am and I'm exhausted!
Time for the long, cold ride home up hill!


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