CNE Rides 2024

CNE Rides 2024

Friday 25 May 2012


The members of a community,
like the parts of a building 
are strong when connected to and supported by each other. 
Stay connected!

Statue of Alexander Wood

Everyone has a purpose, a reason for being.
Everyone has a story to tell.
You can try to do everything right,
Or take the time
to know who you are in the big picture.


They lived,
They laughed,
They loved,
They believed.
That is victory!


They still have a voice. 
Even though they are at rest now, 
their lives still speak.
Here in the quiet apart from the din,
I choose to be still and let their peace in!

Beyond the grief

Peace come like waves over my heart's rocky shores 
wearing down the sharp edges of my pain.
Bring me word of love so great that it smooths the stones so they can skip across to the other side,
carrying my soul to the treasures beyond.



 Let the peace from above refresh you!


Let the light from above shine through you!

You are beautiful!

Grow, blossom,
be strong,  be fierce,
be courageous, be joyful!

You are not small-
you are powerful
beyond your dreams!
You are awesome!

You are not alone,
you are very much loved!

Flower found at the base of one of the pillars at the memorial.

International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia

Sometimes healing comes one small step at a time.

Sunday 20 May 2012

How we see things!

What we have been taught to believe and how much we want something can affect how we see. Like this light show they can trick our eyes to see things differently.
John 8:12

Worry, Worry, Worry!

The energy you meditate on will flow through whatever you do. Whether you make something or do something for someone, the energy you spend the most time in, thinking about, dwelling on, will come through. We are power beyond our imagination. Power to create, power to forgive, power to heal. Meditate on the positive and you will automatically be encouraging to yourself and others. Like this tree, let your roots go deep in all that is good, all that is loving and you will have good fruit!

Be Strong!

Don't compare what you are doing to what others are doing. Don't look at them and question what you are doing by their standards. Stand tall and do what you know is right for you!

Tree Fall

A tree died and fell across a river. All the debris and mess it caused formed a bridge to the other side. Life is full of bridges. Failures and losses in life are like fallen trees. They can form bridges to new ways and places of hope. In time, debris from the stream of  life can pile up against the bridge, making it difficult to get across. Things you can't deal with, things you don't want to face. The longer you wait, the greater the pile of things that push against the bridge, cover it up and eventually bring it down. These bridges aren't just for us to cross over but can allow our loved ones, people we know and even people we don't know to cross over as well. We must always look to the good and listen to our hearts to see the way to the other side. Everything in life can be used. Just don't let the debris pile up on the bridge you are building before you get yourself safely to the other side. New things are waiting there to be discovered! Your getting across will show the way to many others!

Saturday 19 May 2012

Red Hot!!

Why is it that when we are involved in a negative situation we can't see that we are gonna get burned?!
Wow!! It's so hot! Can't give it up, can't get enough, can't give enough!
And when it's over- what we got? Too bad we can't see around corners!
Cool down, balance out a bit, give into the true values.
Peace and love are always there- for the asking! Prayer does help, meditation, and thinking on the good will restore your sanity!


Be passionate about what you believe in. Believe in yourself, believe in love. 
That will lead you to the truth in a way that will surely bring peace!


What are you filled with? 
If it is stress, that is what will flow out of you, so let go of it!
If it is hope and peace, that will flow out of you, so hold on to that!
Let what flows into you be light and don't be stagnant. 
Let it flow out to those around you. 
That will be a source of health to you!


Let nature awaken the light that is in you!!


Yellow represents life, joy, brilliance, energy.
Let all the positive energy of nature fill you.
Let the light into your heart that it can shine out, enlightening others.

Just do it! Make your plans and do it!!
Too bad things get in the way. Too bad not everyone sees your way of doing things. Just like a bull in a china shop, just push ahead! Hmmm-maybe it's not everyone else that should change. Maybe it wasn't such a great idea after all?! When all other goals have failed, make peace your goal. 

Be passionate about what you believe in. Believe in yourself, believe in love. 
That will lead you to the truth in a way that will surely bring peace!



What are you filled with? 
If it is stress, that is what will flow out of you, so let go of it!
If it is hope and peace, that will flow out of you, so hold on to that!
Let what flows into you be light and don't be stagnant. 
Let it flow out to those around you. 
That will be a source of health to you!

Depth of Character
Only you know who you are and what you are meant to be. 
Listen to the voice from deep within. 
It's for you and no one else.
Depth of character comes when you can let others be themselves and still continue to be yourself.
If their message condemns or demeans anyone, it's not the truth.
You continue in the truth and your message will be pure.
Love is always at the center of truth.  

True Blue
You can accept the architecture you've been given or... run around in circles trying to be someone else or something you're not. You are unique- you can do it like no one else can! Be true to you!
When you are true to yourself, then you can be true to others.

Let love guide you so that you are honest in your motives. 
Let what you do and say be light and not darkness. 
That will bring you the happiness you seek. 
(1John 1:7)

It's all around you!
Beauty is all around you! 
Let nature's positive energy in! 
Let it freshen and inspire you!



 Just do it! Make your plans and do it!!
Too bad things get in the way. Too bad not everyone sees your way of doing things. Just like a bull in a china shop, just push ahead! Hmmm-maybe it's not everyone else that should change. Maybe it wasn't such a great idea after all?! When all other goals have failed, make peace your goal.

Depth Of Character

Only you know who you are and what you are meant to be. 
Listen to the voice from deep within. 
It's for you and no one else.
Depth of character comes when you can let others be themselves and still continue to be yourself.
If their message condemns or demeans anyone, it's not the truth.
You continue in the truth and your message will be pure.
Love is always at the center of truth.

True Blue

You can accept the architecture you've been given or... run around in circles trying to be someone else or something you're not. You are unique- you can do it like no one else can! Be true to you!
When you are true to yourself, then you can be true to others.


Let love guide you so that you are honest in your motives. 
Let what you do and say be light and not darkness. 
That will bring you the happiness you seek. 
(1John 1:7)

Wednesday 9 May 2012

It's all around you!

Beauty is all around you! 
Let nature's positive energy in! 
Let it freshen and inspire you!

Saturday 5 May 2012


Each member connected to and supported by the other 
gives strength. Stay connected!

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Glowing Trees

These trees look like they are lit from within. What causes them to look that way? There are laws of physics- light, shadow and contrast, but, the fact that we can actually see them like that is miraculous! 
Is light shining from within you?

Tuesday 1 May 2012


Everyone of us has the appreciation of beauty to some extent. That is a gift. 
Remember to always be thankful for that gift. Never take it for granted! 
Let it nourish you and give you new strength every day!








This world is so much about perception. What do YOU see?  

A church, a window, a crossroads? 

A chance to go one direction or another? 

The magic is in you to see.