CNE Rides 2024

CNE Rides 2024

Sunday 20 May 2012

Tree Fall

A tree died and fell across a river. All the debris and mess it caused formed a bridge to the other side. Life is full of bridges. Failures and losses in life are like fallen trees. They can form bridges to new ways and places of hope. In time, debris from the stream of  life can pile up against the bridge, making it difficult to get across. Things you can't deal with, things you don't want to face. The longer you wait, the greater the pile of things that push against the bridge, cover it up and eventually bring it down. These bridges aren't just for us to cross over but can allow our loved ones, people we know and even people we don't know to cross over as well. We must always look to the good and listen to our hearts to see the way to the other side. Everything in life can be used. Just don't let the debris pile up on the bridge you are building before you get yourself safely to the other side. New things are waiting there to be discovered! Your getting across will show the way to many others!

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